Thursday, July 31, 2008

Great Slide Presentation on Social Media - by Marta Kagan

What is Social Media?I think we have all read enough about blogs, wikis, RSS feeds to have an idea of what they are about (if you don't know, you're participating right now!).

The BIG question facing Meeting Planners is: How can we embrace & harness their power to enhance our meetings & events? Watch the slideshow below, which has some terrific facts & figures.

We'd love to hear some feedback and get a discussion going on this topic. Stay tuned, more to come...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Go for the gelato and host a meeting too!

It's hard to say what you'll find most breathtaking about the Eternal City - the opulence of the Vatican, trying to follow a confusing road map, the gory resonance of the Colosseum, trying to cross a major intersection, the bill for your morning coffee, or a Monitor Meeting? Of course, the Monitor Update Meeting!! BUCOM International operated a very successful international internal Monitor Meeting at the Hotel Exedra in Rome this past month. Participants from Russia, UK, Poland, Brazil, Romania, France, Sweden, and Germany to just name a few joined us for a very informative update meeting. The Hotel Exedra, a Boscolo Hotel offered the perfect location for the meeting with the mixture of old world Rome and new technology. The meeting rooms at the Hotel Exedra are perfect for smaller meetings up to 100 people with superior audio visual capabilities, numerous meeting and meal function rooms all on top the ancient Roman ruins. Where else can you look down through a glass floor and see structures dating back hundreds of years while you present or at your coffee break? The Hotel Exedra also offers modern, updated, beautifully decorated large rooms compared to many European hotels. Highlights of the program include a fabulous dinner at Tre Scalini Restaurant at Piazza Navona, pod cast of the sessions for all participants' future reference, and the enjoyment of all the sites and sounds of Rome. BUCOM's number 1 "can't miss" for Rome - the gelato!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008